We are an outcomes-based organization.
Who We Serve
Right now, 26,000 people are being trafficked in New York City. Data shows that traffickers don’t target individuals—they target vulnerabilities. Communities most affected by racism, sexism, and classism are disproportionately impacted by trafficking.
- Homeless (at intake) 30%
- Mothers 63%
- Immigrant 81%
- Women 84%
- Unemployed/Unsafe Work (at intake) 86%
- Persons of Color 88%

Our Approach is Effective and Impact-Driven
organizations trained on anti-trafficking and awareness
individuals trained on anti-trafficking and awareness
At Restore, Serena met with the Client Services team to work through the emotional trauma of not only being trafficked but also losing her children.
Restore connected her to a legal team to help her get her children back. Serena was determined to do everything she could to reunite with her children and found the strength to boldly demonstrate to the State that she could care for her children.
referrals received
of clients no longer being trafficked 12 months post intake
of survivors with improved SF-12 mental health scores by 12 months post intake
of survivors in core services living independently 12 months post intake
in rental assistance provided to survivors in the last 12 months
of survivors in core services housed by 12 months post intake
increase in earnings from intake to first job placement for survivors in core services
disbursed in entrepreneurship seed funding and educational grants
direct hire clients employed 12 months post first job placement
“Owning a business is important to me. It is the most important thing. I lost my power and control because of my past experience, but now I have a chance to be my own boss and provide for my family.”
– Survivor in Restore’s EE program in FY23
The Freedom Index
To define freedom, monitor progress, and understand all components of the survivor’s journey, Restore developed the Freedom Index (FI). This tool captures Restore’s holistic approach to supporting survivors on their journey toward freedom and measures Restore’s ability to support survivors’ progress toward freedom across five areas: housing stability, job security, living wages, mental well-being, and perception of safety.

Percent of Survivors in Core Services in FY24 with at Least Basic Stability (3+ FI Score)

The impact data presented here reflects Restore’s achievements and program outcomes and is accurate as of September 30, 2024. We are committed to transparency and providing the most up-to-date information regarding our progress in supporting survivors of trafficking.
Become a Partner
You can help survivors heal their trauma, secure safe housing and employment, and build a life of permanent freedom.