
Konstanza Finds a Safe Place to Rest

Konstanza Finds a Safe Place to Rest

Konstanza is from a rural community in South America and immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 with her parents. During her first year in the US, her parents fell into financial stress and her father started working a second job at a nightclub. To help her...

Naomi’s Path to a New Beginning

Naomi’s Path to a New Beginning

At the age of 24, Naomi escaped the residential brothel where she had been exploited for several years. Like so many other survivors, Naomi had been brought to the United States by an individual who had promised her a job as an in-home caretaker and the opportunity to...

Ida Mutoigo joins as President of Restore NYC

Ida Mutoigo 加入纽约市恢复总裁

当我们迎来 COVID-19 抵达纽约市两周年之际,Restore 的影响力和复原力让我们感到谦卑。自 2020 年 3 月以来,我们已为 460 名人口贩运幸存者提供服务,并为幸存者企业家发放了 $74,000 笔赠款。在一个...

Economic Empowerment Summit: Meet the Panelists


   分组讨论 #1:工作场所的包容性领导 Cheryl Davidson,MPSCorporate 高级总监,人才招聘-劳动力准备,Northwell Health Cheryl Davidson 是...的公司高级总监

Atlanta Spa Shootings: The Humanity of Victims



Human Trafficking Awareness Month: Learn. Advocate. Act.



Resilience in Recovery: Survivors and the COVID-19 Pandemic

恢复中的复原力:幸存者和 COVID-19 大流行

   3 月,Restore 的经济赋权计划中的 80% 女性失去了工作。而今天,许多人仍然处于同样的境地,没有可持续的金融稳定手段。虽然许多美国人转向远程工作或申请...