

Restore was founded by a young social worker who was called to action when she learned that thousands of immigrant women were being sex trafficked in New York City with nowhere to go and no one to turn to.

This realization led to the founding of Restore as a place where survivors could find support and hope. In 2009, the organization opened the East Coast’s first safe transitional home for survivors, integrating essential trauma-informed counseling alongside the shelter.

Over the years, Restore has collaborated with survivors to design programs that meet the greatest needs of women who have been trafficked. As Restore has grown, so has our programming. Our client services work has expanded to include services that survivors point to as most important to reaching their goals of permanent freedom—case management, counseling, housing, and our economic empowerment program, which equips survivors to secure safe employment in the New York City job market.

In 2020, Restore broadened its scope to include domestic survivors of trafficking. By supporting this population, we have evolved to meet the needs that survivors themselves have articulated.

We were honored to be one of two organizations in the United States to receive the 2024 Presidential Award for Combatting Human Trafficking. As we celebrate this achievement, we continue to look ahead. The fight against trafficking requires our continued effort and support. With your help, we continue to work toward a world where every survivor can thrive and embrace hope for their future.

Our Values

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The survivor drives our approach.

We are survivor-centered in our methodology. The needs, voices, and experiences of survivors inform and guide our programs and services, ensuring they are relevant, respectful, and empowering.

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We pursue impact.

We are committed to making a meaningful and measurable difference. Our strategies and actions are focused on helping survivors achieve sustainable freedom that transforms lives and communities affected by trafficking.
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We execute with excellence.

We strive for the highest standards in all our work. Through meticulous planning, innovative solutions, and continuous improvement, we ensure our efforts are effective and impactful.
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We care for each other.

We foster a supportive and compassionate community within our organization. We value each team member and prioritize their well-being, knowing that a caring environment enables us to better serve others.
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We depend on God.

Our faith is the foundation of everything we do. We trust in God's guidance and provision, seeking His wisdom and strength in our efforts to combat human trafficking and support survivors.
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We can’t do it alone.

We recognize the importance of collaboration in our mission. By partnering with other organizations, stakeholders, and the broader community, we enhance our capabilities and expand our reach.

在 Restore NYC,我们敢于用真正的解决方案打击人口贩运。