에 의해서 뉴욕 복원 | 12월 12, 2017 | 미분류
Five years ago Liu* achieved her dream of starting a restaurant in China, but when it didn’t take off as quickly as she had hoped, the debt started to pile up.As the restaurant was failing, she faced continued pressure from her abusive husband and the loan...
에 의해서 뉴욕 복원 | 5월 5, 2017 | 미분류
Photo above: Esther’s daughter’s hands during her first visit to Restore’s officeESTHER’S* STORYMeet Esther*, the first survivor who got a job through Restore’s Economic Empowerment program.Two years ago, before the program officially launched,...
에 의해서 뉴욕 복원 | 4월 3, 2017 | 미분류
I typically don’t get off work at the massage parlor until 11pm. Many times I am just starving. I didn’t know what to eat and sometimes the other worker leaves me some food like grapes or an egg. I didn’t have money to buy any food so I...
에 의해서 뉴욕 복원 | 12월 15, 2016 | 미분류
현실은 매년 수천 명의 취약한 여성들이 불법 마사지 사업(IMB)을 통해 인신매매되고 있다는 것입니다. Restore는 미국의 어떤 조직보다 IMB를 통해 인신매매된 여성에게 더 많은 서비스를 제공했으며, 65% 이상의 경제...
최근 댓글