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우리는 감히 그것을 가지고 싸울 실제 솔루션.

생존자들은 항상 우리의 접근 방식을 주도할 것입니다.

그것이 우리가 생존자들이 자유를 위해 필수적이라고 생각하는 세 가지 해결책, 즉 외상 상담, 경제적 권한 부여, 주택을 제공하는 이유입니다.

고객 서비스

The unimaginable trauma of being trafficked leads to survivors experiencing depression, isolation, hopelessness, and anxiety.

To support survivors on their journey toward mental and physical well-being, our team provides crisis intervention, resource coordination, case management, and counseling. Through our network of partners, survivors have access to wrap-around services, including financial assistance, healthcare assessment, medical care, mental health counseling, legal services, food access, and other needs.

These services aim to reclaim their physical and mental well-being so clients can achieve their goals of lasting freedom.


of clients in core services free from trafficking by 12 months post intake

Housing Services

We help survivors connect quickly and efficiently to sustainable housing so they can thrive in all areas of their lives post-trafficking.

Our housing program meets a critical gap in the needs of survivors in New York City, where we provide the only low-barrier transitional housing option specifically for trafficking survivors. We find the housing support survivors need at critical moments in their lives, whether emergency housing, transitional housing, or long-term housing solutions — from one night to 24 months.

We operate from a housing-first framework, where we see safe shelter as a right of all people, placing survivors in housing as quickly as possible.


of survivors in core services housed by 12 months post intake

경제적 권한 부여

When a survivor exits their trafficking situation, securing safe employment and income is essential to reducing the vulnerabilities to re-trafficking and exploitation.

Our economic empowerment programming prepares survivors with the skills they need to find and maintain a job, all within the safety of a trauma-informed model. Clients have access to job readiness services, entrepreneurship training with experts, and our network of business partners offering employment opportunities.

Participants gain the skills, confidence, and community they need to thrive in safe work. We also help clients to advance their careers through professional development, higher education, and scholarship opportunities.


increase in earnings from intake to first job placement for survivors in core services

Impact & Evaluation

We believe it is not enough to be a good cause. You have to be able to demonstrate that it works. That is why we have a program dedicated to collecting data, tracking outcomes, and developing tools like the Freedom Index that can clearly demonstrate Restore’s efficacy in helping survivors of trafficking reach their goals and live out their vision of permanent freedom.

Our Impact & Evaluation program collects short—and long-term data at Restore, evaluates field-wide trends and survivor insights, provides white papers that inform decision-makers nationwide and allows us to continually refine and improve our approach to providing best-in-class trauma-informed programs.

싸움에 참여하십시오.

우리는 입증된 솔루션을 찾기 위해 열심히 노력했습니다. 도움이 필요한 인신매매 생존자들에게 더 많은 정보를 제공할 수 있도록 도와주세요.