由 恢复纽约 | 3 月 23, 2021 | news
由 恢复纽约 | 6 月 18, 2019 | news
NYU Bronfman 和 Restore NYC 很高兴地宣布推出针对性交易幸存者量身定制的创业培训计划。为期两周的强化课程将向幸存者介绍世界和创业语言,由纽约大学教授...
由 恢复纽约 | 5 月 23, 2019 | news
Amanda Eckhardt, current Chief Program Officer, will succeed Jimmy Lee as Restore NYC’s Executive Director on October 1, 2019. As we celebrate Restore’s 10th anniversary, we are humbled by how far we’ve come. In the decade since our first year when we...
由 恢复纽约 | 4 月 5, 2019 | news, 性交易
今年 2 月,新英格兰爱国者队的老板兼亿万富翁罗伯特·卡夫在佛罗里达州朱庇特的 Orchids of Asia Day Spa 被控两项卖淫罪。调查人员还发现证据表明,在水疗中心工作的女性被...
由 恢复纽约 | 11 月 21, 2018 | 未分类
This Thanksgiving week, we are celebrating the implementation of the largest grant we have received in our history. We’re thrilled to share that in September, Restore received a second grant from the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), a part of the...