It’s that time of year again, when our New Year’s resolutions are starting to feel dim.

Which is why we’ve invited our fearless COO Elizabeth Kim, who ran the marathon in 2018 and raised over $15,000 for our mission, to share her top reasons for YOU to run the TCS New York City Marathon this November.




Top 5 reasons to run a marathon:

1. Eat whatever you want.




This is no doubt the best thing about running a marathon. All the training entitles — nay requires — you to eat crazy amounts of food, especially carbs. Finally, a reason to have a bagel for breakfast, pizza for lunch, cookies for snack, pasta for dinner, and a dessert or two. Halfway through my 16-week training regimen, were all my clothes suddenly and incredibly loose? Yes! Did my doctor at my annual check-up two weeks before the marathon say sugar is sugar so I shouldn’t eat four sweet treats a day? Also yes.

2. That feeling when you cross the finish line.




I’ve been saying since November the marathon was the best day of my life, something I feel okay saying as a single person with no kids. (I’d feel bad telling my spouse or spawn that the day of marrying/having them wasn’t the apex of my existence.)

3. The social-media love.




To be frank, this was a major motivator during some mid-week dreary runs at 7am. And when I got hundreds of likes and hearts on my Facebook/Instagram posts right after finishing, I knew it had all been worth it. Until I had to walk down stairs the next day.

4. Raise money to support survivors of trafficking.


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As an employee of the nonprofit that will benefit from your fundraising, I realize now this should have been number 1 on my list. But truly if you’ve ever felt helpless and hopeless about the horrors of trafficking taking place in our own neighborhoods, this is a tangible way to do something. Having been in nonprofit now for two years after a career in the private sector, I can say with conviction that sometimes the best way to help is with your wallet.

5. Bucket list.


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It’s nice to get this one off your list while your knees can still handle 26.2 miles. The NY marathon apparently has spikes of runners at ages 29, 39, 49, etc., folks trying to run a marathon before a milestone birthday, which was the impetus for me. What better way to celebrate turning 40 than run a marathon in my 39th year? Actually about a hundred better ways readily come to mind, but this one was still pretty great.

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Let us know if you’re interested in running the New York marathon for Restore NYC. We have 30 spots this year, and they always go quickly. Don’t miss out!