Konstanza Finds a Safe Place to Rest

Konstanza Finds a Safe Place to Rest

Konstanza is from a rural community in South America and immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 with her parents. During her first year in the US, her parents fell into financial stress and her father started working a second job at a nightclub. To help her...
Naomi’s Path to a New Beginning

Naomi’s Path to a New Beginning

At the age of 24, Naomi escaped the residential brothel where she had been exploited for several years. Like so many other survivors, Naomi had been brought to the United States by an individual who had promised her a job as an in-home caretaker and the opportunity to...
Atlanta Spa Shootings: The Humanity of Victims

Atlanta Spa Shootings: The Humanity of Victims

  Over the last week we’ve had dozens of news outlets, friends, and podcasters reach out with a pressing question: were the shooting victims at the Atlanta spas being trafficked? While it’s still too early to determine if they were, we wonder how the answer...