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Happy New Year!

As we move into 2018, we are deeply privileged to do this work and fiercely determined to identify more victims of sex trafficking and serve more survivors than ever before.

I can assure you that we will follow through with our New Year’s resolution: we resolve to restore. It’s the same resolution every year for us, and as we look back upon the determination we had in 2017, we are incredibly thankful for the impact Restore had. At the same time, we’re resolved to continue to improve and innovate in 2018.

Last year, we weren’t able to serve 24% of the women referred to us because we didn’t have the staff capacity. This year, we are determined to meet the increasing demand for our life-saving services. 

Last year, we realized anew that Restore is “home” in a foreign land for so many trafficked women. This year, we are determined to be home for many more brave survivors. 

Last year, we proved that our job-placement strategy produced astonishing initial results. This year, we’re determined to refine, expand, and continue those results by matching more survivors with great business partners.

Restore’s faithful community of supporters is the reason why we are confident in our resolution. 

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and there are so many ways you can commit right now to helping – bring yourself and a friend to our Chinese New Year Dinner on February 27, run the NYC Marathon with Team Restore, or ask your workplace or church to purchase items from our Safehome wish list.

We’re grateful you are with us as we resolve to restore! May this new year be a season of flourishing for us all.




Executive Director