

Last week, 28 survivors of trafficking graduated from Restore NYC and NYU Bronfman’s pilot Entrepreneurship Lab. The two-week intensive course introduced survivors to the world and language of entrepreneurship, taught by NYU faculty and members of the business community. 

In partnership with NYU, the Entrepreneurship Lab attracted talented and innovative instructors across multiple industries, including Samridhi Ganeriwalla, CEO & Founder of Little West Street; James Benedict, Co-Founder of Left Tackle Capital; and Peter Markham, Managing Partner at TMT Capital and NYU Stern professor. 

Throughout the two-week course, survivors learned various topics related to entrepreneurship such as sources of capital, time management, public speaking, media relations, market research, budgeting, and professionalism. Survivors eagerly participated in each course, bringing their passions, talents, and life experiences to every session. They were often challenged in new ways and provided support and encouragement to one another throughout the program.

“The support these women showed for each other was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. The way they encouraged each other was beautiful.” Lenore, Manager of Professional Education, Restore NYC

“The women were engaged, hungry, and fun like no other group I’ve spoken to.” Elizabeth, Chief Operating Officer, Restore NYC

At a celebratory graduation ceremony, NYU provided a certificate of completion to each graduate, who also was paired with a business mentor that will provide wisdom and guidance over the next year as survivors put their entrepreneurship training into practice. 

NYU Bronfman and Restore NYC anticipate replicating the Entrepreneurship Lab program at NYU’s Los Angeles and Washington, DC, campuses, eventually scaling to NYU’s global campus cities. While the unfortunate reality remains that there is no shortage of survivors to fill these classes around the world, this program aims to change the realities for these women, empowering them through entrepreneurship.