

Happy New Year dear friends of Restore!

Today is not just the start of 2017, it’s the beginning of Human Trafficking Awareness Month …and we plan to be busy!

Through our Client Services program, we meet with hundreds of women each year who are at risk for sex trafficking and have not yet been identified. We’ll share more about this in the coming weeks, but for now, take a look at what’s coming up next and how you can get involved:

  • January 10th: Beginning of a 3-part email series on identification, starting with “What is identification and why is it important?”

  • January 18th: Our Annual Report is released. We’re excited for you to see a snapshot of all you’ve made possible in 2016.

  • January 24th: Identification Part 2 – “How do we identify survivors of trafficking and what are the barriers to identification?”

  • February 7th: Identification Part 3 – “What does our impact tell us about identified survivors of trafficking?”

  • February 7th: You’re invited to Restore’s Chinese New Year’s Dinner! Join us for a fundraiser at the Golden Unicorn in Chinatown to learn more about the need for trafficking identification and how you can make an impact. Get your ticket here.

  • February 23rd: Join us for a Breakfast Panel at Restore: Learn more about how we identify survivors of trafficking from our team members working closely with law enforcement. RSVP here

  • Run to Restore: Save your spot on Team Restore for the TCS New York City Marathon in November! Contact lauren@restorenyc.org to learn more.

  • Fundraise with your friends: Create a peer-to-peer fundraising page and campaign for Restore through Valentine’s Day. A fun way to raise awareness and funds in your network to support Restore’s mission.

We hope that you’ll find a match in these opportunities and contribute to Human Trafficking Awareness Month. We look forward to partnering with you in 2017!

With gratitude,

The Restore Team