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As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we look to the future with hope and anticipation. We know our work is not done yet. In fact, with thousands more survivors in need of safe housing, career-track jobs, and real freedom, we know that this is just the beginning.

As we look ahead to our next decade, our staff team shares some of their dreams for Restore’s future: 

I would love to see Restore have a power-packing, in-house legal team to provide immigration relief to Restore clients. – Sally, Client Services

 I’d love to see Restore accomplish even more growth in the next decade. It would be amazing if Restore had multiple locations in the U.S. and in other parts of the world. – Lenore, Economic Empowerment

I want Restore to own enough living spaces in New York to independently offer emergency housing, transitional housing, and independent living opportunities to the women we serve. – Cindy, Housing

I would like Restore to have a robust group of volunteers that are mentoring clients when needed. – Jenna, Volunteers & Training

I would love Restore to have connected to and trained all NGOs serving immigrants in NYC and be the go-to organization for referrals. – Gabrielle, Client Services

I’d love for Restore to have multiple locations across the nation and be nationally recognized as a leading organization in the field. – Jonathan, Housing

I hope that every survivor of trafficking would know that Restore NYC is a place where they can find safe housing, a safe job, and compassionate clinical counseling and case management. – Elizabeth, Operations

Ultimately, our collective dream is to make freedom real for every survivor who comes to Restore. Thank you for partnering with us as we look forward to our next decade.